Seoul Smart City Prize

GLOBAL COOPERATION       Seoul Smart City Prize
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Seoul Smart City Prize

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WeGO (World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization) and the Seoul Metropolitan Government have established the "Seoul Smart City Prize" with the aim of creating a smart city where people around the world can lead a fulfilling life and fostering a platform for sharing. The "Seoul Smart City Prize" seeks to contribute not only by recognizing excellent policies from advanced cities but also by identifying projects with potential for growth. The prize aims to bridge the gap between cities worldwide, encourage mutual growth, and offer support and encouragement. We kindly ask for the interest and support from cities around the world.

Seoul Smart City Prize
Core Value
Creating an Attractive Smart City that accompanies the vulnerable
  • Human-CentriCity: Discovering and disseminating digital inclusion policies that reflect the vision of 'accompanion with the vulnerable' of Seoul Metropolitan Government
  • Tech-InnovaCity: Discovering and disseminating innovative policies aimed at creating an attractive smart city to improve the quality of life of citizens
Promotion system
Jointly held by the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO)
  • Forming a steering committee comprised of leading figures and experts from both domestic and international sectors to secure global credibility
domestic and international city governments, institutions, corporations, and individuals
Awards categories
Project (Human-CentriCity, Tech-innovaCity), Leadership, Special Mentions
Evaluation criteria
Problem recognition & innovation, project design, feasible budget & planning, project implementation, learning and improvement efforts (M&E feedback), value generation (project outcomes & impact)
How to participate
Submit the application form online at (
  • Application
    Seoul Smart City Prize Submission Apr. 1–Jun. 28, 2024
  • Three-step
    examination of document eligibility
    → Selection of semi-finalists
    → Selection of final candidates Jun.–Aug. 2024
  • Invitation to the
    award ceremony
    Invitation & confirmation of participants Sep. 2024
  • Holding an prize
    ceremony the winner
    Presentation and awards Thu, Oct. 10 2024
Award Scale
Pursuing Future-orientation by evaluating growth potential and latent capabilities
Seoul Smart City Prize Information Table: Consists of award ceremony, awardees, and award details
Award categories project categories
16 awards
leadership categories
2 awards
special mentions
3 awards
Award Recipients City governments, institutions, and Corporations Individuals Project category
Award details
  • Human-CentriCity 8 awards
    Selection of excellent cases of inclusive policies, services, and solutions that consider socially vulnerable groups such as the elderly, disabled, women, and low-income populations.
  • Tech-InnovaCity 8 awards
    Selection of excellent cases of urban innovation policies, services, and solutions based on advanced 4th industrial technologies (such as Metaverse, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, etc.)
  • Individuals who have contributed to the establishment of excellent smart city policies and their global dissemination
    • Mayors, experts, entrepreneurs, social activists, citizens, etc.
  • Third-party recommendation required
    • Heads of city governments, corporations, and organizations
    • Recommendations of more than 30 citizens
      - Recommendation letter from the lead recommender
      - Joint signature letter
  • Award given by international organizations collaborating with the “Seoul Smart City Prize”
    • Selection of an excellent case among project category entries that corresponds with the criteria of international organization prizes
    • ※ Intended to stimulate collaboration by awarding a prize in the name of a cooperating international organization
an Award ceremony
Thu, Oct. 10–Sat, Oct. 12, 2024 ※ Held during “Seoul Smart Life Week”
  • Date and time : Thu, Oct. 10, 2024, 3–5 PM (2 hours)
  • Location: COEX (Livestream of award ceremony on YouTube)
  • Participants: Approx. 300 (Mayor, Korean and overseas representatives, judges, winners, etc.)
  • Description: Welcome address by the mayor, keynote and congratulatory speech, progress report, awarding of prize, judge’s comments, winner’s remarks, etc.
Awarding certificates and plaques, forum presentation, operation of exhibition halls, promotion through domestic and international channels, etc.
  • Announcement of award-winning projects at the Seoul Smart City Forum and support for the operation of promotion centers
  • Support for preliminary feasibility studies and pilot projects tailored to the needs of participating overseas cities
  • Provision of invitational training program on smart city capacity-building for overseas city officials and enterprise employees
  • Stimulating opportunities for collaboration and exchange between overseas cities and enterprises (Sharing and spreading excellent cases globally)
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