Digital Guide

DIGITAL INCLUSION    arrow   Education

A digital guide

who travels around senior activity areas
to solve the difficulties of using digital devices

Business introduction
'22 years of progress
  • Created 100 new jobs through the establishment of a digital guide business
    • Established a "virtuous cycle of education and jobs" in conjunction with the Seoul Citizen Secure Job Program
  • Resolved digital device difficulties for 53,620 people by focusing on life-oriented education
    • Consultation satisfaction rating of 97.6, with consultations requested via smartphone, transportation app, and kiosk in this order
  • Development of 50 routes with a large floating population for the elderly based on big data analysis
    • Using Shinhan Card's age-specific usage data, two distinct routes are discovered and applied
  • 49.7% improvement from the beginning of the civic awareness project (45.2% in August → 94.8% in December)
    • Increase awareness of guides through broadcasting, interviews, and accompanying campaigns with the digital weak
  • Improvement of digital guide capabilities through pre- and repair education, awards, and public activities
  • Provide cold weather gear, air conditioned neckbands, vests, hats, backpacks and more to keep digital guide safe
  • Providing a foundation (learning) for promoting a campaign to accompany digital weak

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Business information
'23 Year Expansion Plan
  • Expanding routes and staff to help you adapt to kiosks that permeate your daily life
    • 150% expansion of routes to support senior citizens at kiosk installation sites

      Route'2022 total 50; 2 distinctions → '23 total 75; 3 distinctions ※ 25 routes expanded

    • ncrease the number of digital guides by 150% to strengthen on-site education for the elderl

      Number of employees100 in the second half of '22 → 150 in the first and second half of '23

    • Operate digital guides throughout the year to provide uninterrupted digital education and counseling

      Operating period'22 July to December → '23 January to December (including training period)

    Example of new routes (subject to change depending on site conditions)

    Jongno-gu-Jongno 5-ga Station → Gwangjang Market → Toothsome Place (kiosk) → Jongno 56-ga Dongmin Center (kiosk)

  • Increased pay through extended working hours (one hour) to strengthen financial support
    • Actively reflecting the demand for reemployment after 50s. (The average retirement age over the past 10 years.)
      • 76.3% of digital guides in their 50s and older
    Example of new routes (subject to change depending on site conditions)

    Jongno-gu-Jongno 5-ga Station → Gwangjang Market → Toothsome Place (kiosk) → Jongno 56-ga Dongmin Center (kiosk)

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