Vision & Mission

ABOUT SMART SEOUL       Vision & Mission


Vision Future Smart Standard City Leading Digitization, Seoul
Core Values
  • Innovation-
  • Sustainable
  • Human-centric
  • Contactless
  • Citizen-oriented
  • Safe and reliable
Promotional strategies 9strategic tasks
Promotional strategies 9strategic tasks
Creation of the foundation for
innovative future smart city
  • Expanding the world’s best smart city infrastructure
  • Acceleration of digital-based administrative innovation
  • Creating an open big data city
Implementation of
people-centered smart city
  • Expanding digitally-mediated services
  • Achieving a smart inclusive city
  • Achieving a cyber-safe city
citizen-friendly city services
  • Establishing a smart mobility base
  • Provision of safe city services
  • Supporting revitalization of digital economy

In the face of rapid development and change in information technology with the establishment of a smart city, above all, express the will to become a valuable future city Seoul by putting people at the center and harmonizing technology and people together

Seoul, Leading Digitization as a Future Smart Standard City
Leading Digitization
  • In order to transform into a digital-centric city,
  • it means to innovate the city's infrastructure by using digital technology
  • and to develop and provide citizen-centered services
Leading Digitization
  • It means that by building smart city infrastructure, administration and services for sustainable growth,
  • SMG will present standards for smart cities and lead global cities

Core Value

  • Innovation-Friendly

    Using ICT technology to promote the conversion from analog form to digital form, and building a city that provides innovative infrastructure and services

  • Sustainable

    SustainableConstructing a city with a governance system for the organization, capacity, system, and public-private cooperation for the construction of a sustainable smart city

  • People Oriented

    Constructing a city where all citizens can experience convenient services by implementing a person-centered smart city rather than a technology-oriented smart city

  • Non-face-to-face Conversion

    Preparing for the transition to a non-face-to-face economic and social environment and building a safe city that can protect citizens from infectious diseases

  • Citizen’s Experience

    Constructing a city that provides practical services that citizens can use and feel the convenience of various services provided by smart cities

  • Reassurance, Safety

    Building a city that ensures facilities, transportation, health, welfare and cyber safety so that citizens can enjoy city life with confidence and safety


  • Reassurance, Safety

    Wire-wireless communication
    network, Clouds, Open Data Plaza

  • Set up CCTV cameras
    in crime prone areas

  • Expand the use
    of IoT city data

  • Big Data Campus

    Cooperation among private, publicm,
    business and academia

  • Metaverse Seoul construction

    New concept public
    service provision

  • Realization of
    a smart inclusive city

    Digital competency-enhancing
    education using new technology

  • Establishment of Seoul-style
    education platform

    Creating and education environment
    free from discrimination

  • Establishment of AI-based
    security control platform

    Intrusion Accident Prediction Model

  • Building a foundation
    for self-driving cars

    Expansion of autonomous vehicle infrastructure

  • Establishment of AI-based
    security control platform

    Intrusion Accident Prediction Model

  • Building an AI-based storm and
    flood response system

  • Creation and operation of
    7 innovative industrial clusters

    Fostering leading companies
    in the 4th industrial revolution

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